Nov 28, 2013

It's About Time

How great is our God!  I think it will take me years to process all the information that has been poured into me since I've been here (and we've just barely passed the 1 month mark).  He has been teaching me what it means to hear and to listen, as well as what it means to just be still and give Him the control.  There has been revelation about people in my life I need to forgive and incredible clarity in some areas of the Trinity.  It has been a roller coaster, and I'm hanging on for the ride.  

Life here in Townsville has been busy. We're applying the lessons we learn in lectures into our ministry placement every day.  Scrubbing mold out of showers and mopping the floors has a way of pushing deeper the truths we've learned and God's love deeper into our souls.  

Last week I came down with cold like symptoms which turned into a nasty cough.  Coughing through two nights and days was uncomfortable.  Some antibiotics later I have leaps and bounds more energy, although I still have a pesky cough.  It's getting better though. 

I've been waiting to post until I knew for certain where my outreach team was going.  I have to tell you the truth.  When I left the States and headed to Australia I knew that if we had outreaches into the Pacific or Asia, I would be more than happy to go.  If I was called to stay in Australia I was fine with that as well.  The one place I did not want to go was Papua New Guinea (PNG).  I'm not sure why I felt strongly that I didn't want to go, but I did. 

Then I arrived in Townsville.  And everything was moved upside down.  From the very first day it was obvious that YWAM TSV has a huge heart for the nation of PNG.  Just 676 miles north of Townsville, Port Moresby (the capital of PNG) is also their sister city.  It seems like every day there was a new story about how YWAM TSV was working with the people of PNG.  It started softening my heart.  Living on the Medical Ship has also in a way made me more sensitive to PNG.  You can't help but feel the heart for this nation here.  

I found myself more and more open to the possibility of going to PNG.  We knew that some of our teams would be going there and that some would be staying in Australia, but that's all we knew until last Friday.  The other thing holding me back was a comment that my momma had made to me.  She said something about my dad not wanting me to go to PNG.  

I respect my parents, and I really wanted to honor them.  So we found out what our outreach locations were going to be on Friday.  Here were the major outreach options:
1. Darwin
2. Milne Bay, PNG
3. Port Moresby, PNG
4. Western Province, PNG

The fact of the matter was that 75% of us were going to PNG.  As Markus (our school leader) was reading out the options, there was one that immediately stuck out to me.  We were given the weekend to pray about it, and Monday morning we wrote our pick on a piece of paper and handed it to our small group leaders.  I believed the Lord was leading me to PNG, so Monday morning I called my parents to see what their reaction would be.  It was mixed, but they said they would talk about it.  I wrote down the option I felt led to.  

Tuesday evening we found out our outreach groups.  Our staff sent us all to different rooms and told us that they had to give last minute presentations.  I am so excited for my group!  There are 8 of us, and we have 1 staff member.  We are going to Gold Coast for our minor outreach, which is two weeks long.  Then we are going to Milne Bay (pronounced Mill-in Bay) for our major outreach, which is seven weeks long.  Here's a handy map. 

So the last week has been crazy with exciting news in addition to our Thanksgiving celebration.  While it wasn't like turkey day back in the States, it was still a great celebration with friends and family.  

This Sunday we leave to go camping in Hidden Valley for two weeks, which equals no internet for that time.  We're excited for some hang out time and a little bit of a break.  

It's about time to head back to the ship for the night.  I will talk to you all in two weeks! 

Until then,

Nov 17, 2013

The Midnight Girl

To the shock of all of my fellow DTS YWAMers I have been the girl burning the midnight oil the last two Sundays past to finish my homework.  I have to admit that being back in "school" is a little weird for me.  I guess it's only been 11 month since I was called out of college to Arizona, but still... It's amazing everything you can forget in 11 months, and honestly I wasn't doing so hot in college anyway.  

I'm committed to this though unlike anything else before.  College for me all those years held little purpose and almost nothing to look forward to.  There was no vision, just mind boggling facts and hard classes that made me feel less than worthy.  Now that I think about it, there were only a few classes I truly enjoyed.  

Group piano:  I don't know why, but this class was so much fun.  My teacher was this wirey old grandma who was the happiest person I've ever met in the mornings.  She was a joy to have at 8 am every other day for three terms!  

Marching Band:  I'm not sure if this really counts as a class?  I was paying for the credit to get a stipend?  I never realized how odd that kind of was.  MB was so much fun.  And I met the best people there.

Geography of the non-western world:  Maybe it shouldn't surprise me that I'm sitting in one of the easiest places to reach the South Pacific and Asia Minor.  I loved everything about that class, in fact I considered minoring in Geography for a while.  

I don't have an epifany of why all of this is important or what my life will necessarily be shaped like after the whole experience, but I do know a few things.  

1.  I would be happy to serve in missions for the rest of my life if that is what The Lord calls me to.

2.  My main goal while I'm here is to seek the Creator of heaven and earth and to hear His voice.  I don't want to glide through life.  I want a relationship with my Messiah, and I want to do the crazy for Him.  

3.  I realize the huge statements that numbers one and two are, and I am willing to live by them.

Saying all of this, I need to give God all of the praise for getting me here.  He is amazing and wonderful and I would not be across the world right now if it wasn't for the Great and Mighty God who has chosen me to be apart of His kingdom forever.  

Reflection over the last few weeks since I've been here about this last season of my life has been that of rejoicing and also of sorrow.  It's crazy how God calls the broken and those who aren't qualified to do His will.  I'm amazed at the opportunities both stateside and here Down Under that I have been given.  

This week in lectures our topic is Relationships.  We're talking about all different kinds of relationships, and I'm excited to see what our dynamic speaker has to bring and how The Lord will speak to us through him.  

Living on the ship is still great.  I'm learning different things about boats that I never thought I would know.  We're all starting to get comfortable in our routine here in Townsville.  I can hardly believe that we've been here so long already!  

For those who are wondering where my Outreaches are going to be, the short version is that we're not sure yet. 

Prayer Requests:
1.  That we would be open to what The Lord wants to teach us and tell us through lectures.

2.  That we would be successful in engaging the youth of Townsville for Christ through the Saturday program we run.

3.  That we would continue to show grace and love to one another on the ship.

4.  Lastly, would you be praying for my brothers and sisters who do not have all of their finances in yet for Outreach?  

Be blessed, and until next time,

Nov 14, 2013

Crunchy Peanut Butter

I apoligize it's been a while since I've updated everyone!  We have been busy and hard at work here in Townsville.  It's been extraordinary to see how The Lord is working through the lives of these precious people around me.  

This week was long.  This year before my coming here was absolutely mentally taxing.  I've found it interesting that my time here hasn't been difficult mentally, but rather physically.  We sweat so much, it's not even funny.  This is good though.  We still don't have temperatures like Phoenix, but it's getting closer.  Today it's supposed to be somewhere around 30* C, which is roughly 100* F (I think.. math is not my thing).  I'm also learning the joys of humidity again.  It's been nearly 11 years since I traipsed around the South with the Young Continentals for six weeks.

This week our lecture topic is "Clear Conscience" and it is being taught by the director of YWAM Townsville, Ken Mulligan.  It's been a challenging week for many people.  His teaching style reminds me of a professor in college.  His goal is that we would stop and truly consider and establish the foundations that we live our life on.  He doesn't want us to take things at face value - the things we've heard from the church for years for example - but he wants us to really ponder what we believe and why.  There is a lot of practical application for this.  How can we share the Gospel of Christ if we don't first truly understand and believe in our hearts what we say we believe?  How can we claim to be walking with The Lord in deep and intimate relationship if we don't know what His Word says?  Like I said, it's been a challenging and exciting week.  There have been questions raised that I didn't even consider worthy of questioning because I thought I knew the answer to them.  I'm excited to delve deeper and to discover for myself what I truly believe.  

It's not all work around here though!  Last Sunday we got to go as a group to the Billabong!  I had imagined it being mostly like a zoo.  Oh. My. Goodness. No.  It was one of the coolest experiences ever.  We walked into the park and immediately saw kangaroos hopping around.  They have free reign.  You can get up close and personal and even get a picture while you're petting a kangaroo.  A few of the other native Aussie animals we got to see were a wombat, cassuaries, a dingo, a larakeet (like a parrot), a baby crocidile, an olive python, kualas, ducks, turtles, and a huge crocidile.  It was quite the adventure.  We had tour guides around the Billabong, so we also got to hear information about the animals and their history in Australia.  It was a great day!

Straight after that we traveled to the Strand (the name of the beach here in Townsville) and go to go swimming in the ocean, and had a BBQ.  It was a little funny that we went and saw the cute kangaroos in the Billabong, and then ate roo shikabobs afterwards.  There was chicken as well though!  I thought the kangaroo was good (and no, it did not taste like chicken).  

Life on the ship is still going well.  We're experiencing what it truly means to live in community and to prefer one another and honor one another.  Especially since for two days this week the toilets weren't working and we had to go up on the warf to use the dock toilets.  All is well now and operational! 

On Wednesday we worked at the new city campus.  Every time I step onto the campus I am just amazed at the incredible blessing it is.  We were cleaning one of the blocks that is most likely going to be accomodation.  It was hard and sweaty, but it was so good to be able to pour into this place that will impact and change lives forever.  We also were honored to be the first DTS to have lectures on the new campus on Wednesday night!  That was quite the night!  It's amazing to see all that The Lord is doing here in Townsville.  

Last thing for today is the interesting fact that I have only seen crunchy peanut butter here.  And I've eaten it, which is quite the feat!  

Until next time,

Nov 6, 2013

When It's Not so Easy

Some days it's easy to push myself and do the hard things or the tough things for the Lord, but other days, it's just plain hard.  Wednesdays for us on base are long, hard days.  They start somewhere around 0500 and don't end until somewhere around 2200.  We start with breakfast and quiet time, then go into a time of corporate worship, which is always so sweet.  Following worship we head down to the new city campus and labor to get it ready for our coming move.

Instead of going to the city campus yesterday, my group stayed behind to help in the renovations of the last flat (apartment in the U.S) that needs to be completed before selling.  It was pretty amazing to see how much work 12 people can do in a small apartment.  I also learned how to grout yesterday!  Exciting stuff right there.  We had fun!  Following that we headed down to the city campus to have lunch with everyone else.  I ended up staying to help for the rest of the afternoon prepping offices.  My job was clear coating.  We don't have this in America (or at least I haven't ever seen it.. not even on HGTV or TLC), but it essentially makes it so you don't have to sand the existing paint off the walls, at least that's what I gathered.  It's potent.  We had to wear masks and everything, which only helped a little.

It was hard work and most of us spent more time outside the room than in it I think!  We got our rooms done though and I escaped to another room with some nice white paint.  (No masks required ;)  I finally felt like I was doing something useful when I realised that I could scrape the paint off the bottom of the chair rail all the way around the room.  So that was what I did.

When it was time to go back to the base, it was time for Family BBQ, which is a BBQ one night a week for anyone from the community to come and eat with us and hang out.  There are quite a few people that come!  So, we all had sausage sizzles (or hot dogs) in our sweaty, painty clothes.

At this point I was ready to fall asleep standing up.  So after a quick pretend nap in the corner of the cafe in one of the comfy chairs, I ordered a white mocha and prepared myself for lectures.  Which basically means sour gummies and coffee (which by the way are not that good of a combination).  This week in lectures we are learning about Identity.  Our speaker is amazing.  She is relevant and personable and she speaks with authority from God.

It is heart breaking to see all the lies that we believe that the enemy has convinced us are truth.  We have today and tomorrow of lectures and I pray that we will continue to learn and that our Creator would speak truth into our lives about who we are.


Nov 2, 2013

Week One

I can hardly believe that we have already been in this beautiful country for a week!  The word I would use to describe this past week would be loved.  It has been a lot of information and new places and faces, but everywhere we go it's so obvious that we are being welcomed with open arms.  Already this group of 40 people that have been smashed together from all over the world is bonding and forming relationship and growing together in Christ.  It has been amazing to experience so far.  I am so excited to see where the Lord takes us and how He is going to grow us all on this journey.

Sundays are free days, and today I am staying on the ship to finish some homework.  We have a journal we write in every week and turn in to our one on one leader every week and also a workbook that goes along with what we're studying.  I have been so impressed with the speakers we've had so far.  They've done a great job, and I know we have more amazing men and women of God coming to share and speak with us.

Saturdays are youth day on the base.  The first three hours are group activities and then the last 5 are a mix of everything.  It's a great time for crew (what they call the kids) to come from all over the community and hang out in a safe environment.  They also get to do some pretty cool stuff.

I've been catching up on sleep this weekend and trying to let my body heal itself!  Quite a few of us are sharing a cold or something and have coughs and scratchy voices.  We're hopeful it'll pass quickly.

Have a great weekend!


Oct 30, 2013

Cleaning is My Happy Place

It's afternoon here in Townsville.  I decided to sleep in this morning and so slept through my normal blogging time.  Between traveling, jet lag, information overload, and working this week has been a little exhausting!  I'm looking forward to sleeping in this weekend.  :)

Yesterday we had all campus worship.  All of the staff came and we had an hour of singing and praising the Lord with the whole base.  It is so amazing to see how free YWAM Townsville is in their worship!  After that we all got loaded up in the vans to head to the new campus.  My assigned group was on "Hillside Duty".  We cleaned up a huge hill (I have pictures and video... I'll try and add them later) behind the campus.  We cleaned up lots of random trash and gathered a lot of downed limbs and trees to put in the dumpster.  It was hard work, but very enjoyable!  We had a good working group with great attitudes!  The City Campus is such a blessing.  Every time we go I just can't help but feel joyful and inspired!

After base cleanup we came back to do Ministry Placement.  I love the group of girls that clean the ship with me.  We work very well together and are efficient in what we do!  And I just can't help but take joy and be honoured that I have the opportunity to serve my brothers and sisters by taking care of them this way.

This morning we had an all campus prayer session.  The staff presented a few different topics and we prayed over them for about 45 minutes.  It's so good to see the Lord at work!  This morning during lectures we heard from two of the base leadership team.  One spoke on communication and the other was Ken, who is the base leader.  It was neat to hear his heart for this ministry and to see his humbleness in it all.  He is an aspiring leader.  The Lord is doing great and mighty things at YWAM Townsville and it's such an amazing opportunity to be a part of it.

We have to go back to the ship for dinner tonight and then we have free time.  I think an early bed time will be in order.

That's all for now!

Prayer Requests:
1. That all of us with colds would be healed soon.
2.  That we would be well rested and be able to do everything we need to with our 100%


Oct 29, 2013


Good morning!  The sunrise is beautiful here this morning, although I think the saying, "Red skies at morning, sailors take warning; red skies at night, sailors delight" is appropriate this morning!  I'm praying for a cool weather so that our campus work day will be nice!

The good news this morning is that my throat feels better!  Hallelujah!!!  Yesterday was an odd day, but good overall.  On the way from the ship to campus yesterday morning, I got sick.  I hadn't eaten anything, which is a blessing, but it was super weird.  Generally when I'm sick I can just sit and close my eyes and make myself calm down.  Not yesterday.  My poor, new backpack had to go through the wash.  Today I have a bit of a stuffy nose, but otherwise am feeling much better.  Thank you for all of your prayers!

After my eventful morning we received our ministry placements.  A ministry placement could be compared to a chore of sorts.  It's the heart of YWAM Townsville that everyone live in community and that we help and support those in full-time staff.   My ministry placement is Ship Ops.  Essentially, I get to clean the ship every day! (:  It was my first choice, and I'm glad to have gotten it.  There's something special about being able to take care of and clean the place your DTS is staying.  It's two hours a day and there are four ladies on the team.   We are responsible for cleaning the bathrooms, mess hall, accommodation, lounge, medical clinic, and the bridge.  I'm honoured to have been chosen to be a steward of the ship.

Yesterday in lectures we went over some more orientation things and also about the assignments that we will have throughout the lecture phase.  I'll tell you more about them as I'm working on them.  Each week we have a journal and a workbook we have to complete and turn in.  In addition we have two creative devotions to lead in our small groups and two book reports.  One of the book reports is on a book written by the founder of YWAM, Loren Cunningham called Is That Really You, God?.  The other is a missionary biography of choice.  If anyone has any good suggestions, let me know in the comments below or through Facebook!

Each week we will get to meet with a mentor in a 'one-on-one' and also a small group.  I can't even tell you how excited I am to be here and to be living in community with other believers.  I can't wait to see what the Lord has for all of us and how He will move in great and mighty ways!

Prayer Requests:
1. That I would kick this cold
2. That the Lord would be forming deep, lasting relationships between all of us on this journey

That's all for now, folks!

Oct 28, 2013

With Praise

I still haven't had a chance to post (or take) pictures, I know.

Here's a picture that my friend Raylee took though to hold you over.

(: This is my home for the next 6 weeks or so!  And the home of 40ish other people as well.  It's a blessing and quite the adventure.

I thought some of you might be interested in what our schedule looks like here.  
0630 - Get picked up from the ship and taken to Old Campus
0645 - Breakfast at Old Campus
0730 to 0830 - Quiet Time
From here it changes a little every day but generally it goes something like this:
Worship Time
"Moning Tea"
Ministry Placement
Free Time
Head back to the ship

That's the general idea of the day for now. 
Yesterday we had a great time of worship and then got to hear the hearts of all of our staff for these two DTSs.  We got to have Moning Tea with the base staff and mingle and chat with them and then our first speaker was Robyn Mulligan, one of the base leaders.  She told about the history of YWAM Townsville and about Ministry Placements, which is a couple hours every day or every other day that is set aside for us to come along side the full time staff on the base and help in numerous different ways.  We find out today what we will all be doing.  

It's been fun getting to know everyone.  We have a great group of people here and I know that the Lord has great and mighty things planned for us.  

Prayer Requests:
1. That this sore throat would go away
2. That as a DTS we would be sensitive to the Lord and walk in obedience

That's all for now.  I'm going to go take a nap.  

Oct 27, 2013

The Beginning of the Beginning

Good morning!  So far, the Lord has blessed me with minimal jet lag.  I'm turning a new leaf and getting up early.  This morning and yesterday I got up at 0400.  Living on a boat with 50 people sort of inspires alone time though. (: The sun still hasn't risen yet here this morning, but I'm sure it will be beautiful.

I want to be intentional with this blog and update it every day.  (Because I'm putting this in writing, I think it will be easier to accomplish.)  I believe that all we really have in this world is the grace of God Almighty and our story to tell.  My goal is to share what He's doing in my life and what this season with Him looks like.  After just spending a day and a half with these people that are my brothers and sisters in Christ, I already know that He has great and wonderful things planned for us.

Yesterday was a sweet time of fellowship with about 7 members of our group on the ship.  Everyone else ventured out to find the beach (which they discovered was an hour away walking) and spent the morning there.  The seven of us that stayed behind sat in the Mess Hall (Mhm... that's what our 'dining room' is really called on the ship!) and told stories and just got to know one another.  Since yesterday was Sunday here, the small group of us decided that we wanted to have some sort of worship service.  So at about noon we gathered in the Lounge of the ship and sang in praise and worship to the Lord for an hour.  It was sweet time spent together and so refreshing.

Most of you know that I've spent the last 10 months in Arizona working.  I spent more time at work the last 6 months than I ever have.  I LOVE my job, don't get me wrong, but it definitely impacted my ability to go to church or even have a normal quiet time.  So yesterday, just relaxing and being able to worship the Lord for one of the first times in 6 months was just amazing.  One of the students in my DTS is from Papua New Guinea (PNG).  He played the guitar and one of the guys that was on my flight over played a bongo drum.  It never ceases to amaze me how God moves, even in the simple and humble acts of worship.

This DTS has a pretty good mix of younger and older (well, not really older.. the oldest person is 28) and we also have one married couple that is doing the Trekking DTS.  They are from Austria and some of the sweetest people I've met here.

The rest of yesterday afternoon was spent bonding over a card game from Germany that I can't remember the name of.  At 1430 we all went down to the City Campus and had our orientation.  We also got to tour the place.  It is awe inspiring, and the story behind it amazing as well.  The Lord has amazing things planned for YWAM Townsville and it is very exciting that we get to be apart of it!

We had a BBQ and got to tour the grounds of what used to be a trade school.  It was so neat to walk through a place that you know will change the lives of hundreds of thousands of people over the coming years.  After we finished at the new campus we came back to the ship for more orientation and finally participated in our first Tim Tam Slam.  Tim Tams are chocolate covered wafers... I think that's the best way to describe them.  Anywho, you bite off opposite corners of the Tim Tam, and then you stick it in a cup of hot chocolate and use it as a straw.  Then when you've drank all of your cocoa through the straw you aren't supposed to use your hands to get the Tim Tam out.  (: I think we all used our hands.

Speaking of the ship, I know you all want to see pictures!  Have grace and patience please as we figure out this wi-fi thing!

Today we start our first day of classes.  I really have no idea what it's going to look like, but I am so excited.  Last night at our BBQ while talking and mingling with other people there was a sense of "We're ready".  The same at the worship time we had afterwards.  This group that the Lord designated to be here is so ready to commit themselves to whatever it is that God Almighty has for them.  I'm honoured to be a part of this journey and to be with these people.

Prayer requests:
1. That we would continue to extend grace to one another while discovering how to live together.
2. That the Lord would meet us all right where we are at and that we would have open hearts and ears.
3. I've woken up with a slight sore throat the last two morning.  Pray that I wouldn't get sick?

I'm off to watch the sunrise.  Have a great Sunday to everyone in the States.


Oct 26, 2013


Well folks, I finally made it to Australia!  It is warm (I'm not going to say hot because it still isn't hot like Phoenix) and I live on a Medical Ship.  It's pretty cool. (:

My travel here was blessed and easy.  I traveled alone from Reno to Los Angeles, but I knew from our Facebook group that there would be three others traveling with me on the same flight from Los Angeles to Brisbane.  I was the first to arrive at LAX and had about a 5 hour layover.  I was the first of our group to arrive and got to stand at one of those charging stations for about an hour so my phone didn't completely die!  The other three finally did arrive from all over.  The other girl on my flight is from  Arkansas, one of the guys is from Pennsylvania, and the other from Canada...I think Ontario.  It was nice to sit and chat for a while and share some of our jitters about the flight and just the fact that we were all finally there!

Once we boarded our flight (Which was HUGE.. Two stories on a plane is just crazy!) we said our goodbyes for the 14 hour flight ahead of us.  None of us were seated next to each other.  I had a window seat and once we were all seated, the guy next to me introduced himself and we got to talking. We soon discovered that we were both going to Townsville although he is doing the Trekking DTS while I'm doing to Reef to Outback.  God is good and I have to believe He also has somewhat of a sense of humor.  Come to find out, this guy I was seated next to was a wildland firefighter.  Who would have ever thought that 2 people from our field would end up in the same city, on the same flight for that matter, seated next to each other?  Coincidence?  I don't think so.  It was fun to be able to talk to someone and not really have to explain too much when they ask what I do for a living.  It made the 14 hour flight seem much shorter (That also might of had something to do with the fact that I slept for 10ish hours...).

We got off the plane in Brisbane and decided to wait for the rest of the group.  Altogether there ended up being 8 of us on the same flight.  After making sure everyone had filled out their entrance cards with the correct address we got in line to start the customs process.  We had a two hour layover in Brisbane which was just enough time to make it through customs.  It wasn't nearly as nerve-wracking or odd as I thought it would be.  My favorite part???? We still got stamps in our passports!!!  Someone had told me that they didn't do that anymore, so I was very glad to receive one!  After all 8 of us collected our luggage, we exchanged some money (Australian money is so pretty.  It's colourful and feels different than ours!  I'll post pictures at some point when I'm in wi-fi again.) and then proceeded through the next step in customs which in essence was standing in a line and letting a bomb-sniffing dog sniff our bags and persons.  We all passed!

In Brisbane we had to switch from International flights to Domestic flights so at this point we had to re-check in.  It was pretty simple though since we already had our boarding passes.  So once again we dropped off our luggage.  At this point we had to catch a bus to the Qantas domestic flight terminal.  We were a little concerned because we had a little more than half an hour before our flight started boarding.  When we arrived at the domestic flights we realized that we had to go through security again.  So another line, and we all found out that Australia is much more lax then America in their airport security.  You don't have to take your shoes off (yay) and you can have anything but sharp, pointy objects.  They do make you do this thing where they swab your bag and your arms and legs for explosive device stuff though.  All 8 of us made it through security fine (apparently I'm a mother hen sort wherever I go.  I kept counting everyone and making sure we were all together at every stage of our journey through the airport...and I may have learned everyone's name before we got on our next flight. Haha) and up to our terminal with about 15 minutes to spare before our flight to Townsville started boarding.  There we met up with one more of our group for a total of 9.  We had representation from Arizona/Oregon, Arkansas, California, Montana, Ontario, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, and Washington.

I've never been on a flight where they serve you the choice of a cookie or an apple before.  I chose the apple.  Chocolate chip cherry cookie sounded a little funny to me!  It was a nice flight and only about 2 hours long.  The sun was actually up (it was about 0900 local time) and I had another window seat, so I got to watch the scenery below.  A lot of farmland and ocean!  On this flight most of us were spread out.  There was a lady in the aisle seat in my row, but no one in the middle.  I have to say that I'm blessed to not have really felt nervous at all!  I was filled with excitement and a little bit of awe and wonder when we started to land that it was all happening and that the time had finally come.

We all got off the plane fine and once again congregated to proceed together to baggage claim.  Awaiting us there were two of our staff members with YWAM signs.  So they were easy to find!  We all collected our baggage for the second time and loaded it up in the bus and made our way to campus.  Our group of 9 was the first to arrive on Saturday.  3 were in the Trekking DTS and the other 6 of us RTO.  Those of us on RTO got to store our luggage temporarily.  We all connected to wi-fi briefly to let our parents know we made it and then decided to head off on an adventure to the mall.  We had about 7 hours to kill.

Good news is there is a Target not far from base (:  We all got a few things and wandered around for a few hours before heading back.  They have this cool cafe with a library and free wi-fi and tons of tables and chairs at base.  So we hung out there and drank lots of water.  Finally another guy and I decided that we had enough of just waiting and zoning out and got everyone together to play some group games.  (It was either that or fall asleep...) At this point another large group of girls had joined us but no one was really talking.  So we convinced everyone to play Mafia and introduced ourselves.  After an hour of that we played some other group games.  One called "Whoosh Ball" which was pretty fun.  I was the last of our group, and actually ended up winning!  Haha.  Then we played "I Never" except we just did things we had done.  That was pretty brutal with 30 people.  But fun as well.  We managed to kill 2 hours of time, which was our goal before we had dinner with the Street Youth program.

Finally we made our way to the place that will be our home until December.  The ship is pretty cool, I have to say.  Although most of us were too exhausted to really have much interest last night.  I was very happy to have spent the money to invest in good travel packing cube-things-that-I-don't-remember-what-they're-really-called.  It made unpacking SSSSOOOOO easy!  (Living on a ship = pretty much no room)  All of our luggage is now stored in some hole in the front of the ship.

There are 40ish of us on the boat.  3 showers and toilets for the girls and 3 showers and toilets for the guys.  Pray for us and that we would all extend grace to one another as we figure out how to live together in such tight quarters!

Today we get to hang out until 1400, at which point we will go to the new campus for orientation and a BBQ.  There isn't any wi-fi on the ship yet, just 3 iMacs.  Until I get a SIM card for my phone, my online presence will be spotty.  Please don't be offended if it takes me a while to answer back!  Love you all and I'll talk to ya later!


Oct 23, 2013

Ready or Not

My laundry is clean and nicely packed into a suitcase that still seems too big.  But I'm ready.  I'm ready to fly across the Pacific and land in another country that I realistically know little about.  Sure I've watched every episode of McLeod's Daughters at least three times and Man from Snowy River more than I can count - yet I know I'm unprepared for what living in a new place is really going to be.  And that's alright.  I'm one of those people who is prone to anxiety.  Only recently have I discovered some of the why to that (through a very interesting and informative journey on temperaments), which I feel has allowed me to step back and give that part of me more freely to the Lord.  I have a long way to go, but it's always nice to find out you're not crazy! :)  So while anxiety in new situations is something I have lived with all my life, I'm not feeling that yet.  I'm ready to let God take control. 

I have been so extremely blessed the last week and a half to see all the beautiful faces and hear the wonderful voices of friends and family!  The outpouring of love and support has dumbfounded me a little!  I appreciate every single moment with all of you.

I am so excited to be dedicating this next season of life to the Lord.  Drawing near to Him after such an indescribable summer will be wonderful I know.  Pray for me and that I would fall more in love with Jesus.  Would you also be praying for safe travels for myself and the others traveling over the next three days as well?  That flights would be caught, luggage in the correct places, and wheels on the ground safely?

My parents and I leave tomorrow morning for Reno.  I love that I travel two states to get to the airport!  We'll stop briefly on the way to see my brother and trade cars (his has been in the shop here this week) and then I get to have lunch with a sweet childhood friend!  My first plane leaves at 5:25pm.  I might post from LAX. :)

Until next time,

Oh yeah, brudar.  I drove your truck.  :)

Oct 22, 2013


I can hardly believe that less than 48 hours separate myself and a plane ride that will change my life.  The last plane I hopped on eight days ago brought me back to my beloved Oregon for a short time of friends and family before my great adventure.  For some strange reason I keep thinking that this next season of my life will be a break of sorts and relaxing.  Ha.  I think I'm delusional!

Coming to Oregon before heading Down Under may have surprised me in a few ways.  When I originally planned this, I didn't really consider the fact that I would have to pack for Auzzie land early  (because you know, I came to Oregon first...).  For some reason that threw me off big time.  The good news is I arrived in Portland in one piece.  The better news is that my best friend got to pick me up from the airport and I had a wonderful 48ish hours with her!  Oh, how my heart sang being back with my deary who is such a kindred spirit.  We all have those friends that know with just a look.... they don't care about the crazy and they love you because you are you.  After a very lonely summer, being with my people has been amazing.

After best friend time (and maybe too many Target adventures) I traveled south to stay with my grandparents for a short time as well.  It was so wonderful seeing them!  This next six months is going to be stretching, I know that.  Not being Stateside for the holidays is going to be interesting.  I have no idea how it's going to hit me.  Thank goodness for technology and Skype!

My travels continuing south made a stop at the new home of my best friend from college.  Oh, how I love this sweet woman of God as well!  A couple hours of conversation and lunch was a special treat.  I'm so blessed to have such amazing friends!  Even more so because I have had the opportunity to see so many of them in such a short period  of time.

Finally, my travels brought me almost as south as one can go in this great state.  This place we so fondly call "God's country".  It's beauty astounds me every time I come home.  Even more of a treat for my journey before my journey to the Outback was to visit the place my heart truly calls home.  A place that on a map looks like a blip and nothing else.  Just my daddy and I traveled the road north we'd come down the night before to spend the day with great friends.  He was master tri-tip BBQ man.  I got volunteered to slice tri-tip, and I did it wearing a dress.  ;)  It was a great day!  And I got to see some of my favorite people on earth!

Sunday at church I was honored to help lead worship and also was commissioned for my missions trip!  Somehow it got lost in translation between here and Phoenix that the special service for me was happening.  It was a great message though, and I appreciate all of the love, support, and prayers!  AAANNNNNDDDDDDDDD the most amazing part of the whole entire week?  My ENTIRE family was at church.  I cannot remember the last time all five members of my family were in church at the same time.  Praise The Lord and His wonderful ways.  It was great to have them there with me.

Yesterday was a trip to the next town over for grocery shopping and of course a stop by my favorite childhood babysitter/ current hairdresser for a color before I head across the world!

In short, the past eight days have been anything but relaxing.  And yet, amidst the hustle and bustle I've found joy and delight in the people around me.  I've spent more time in crowds while being back in Oregon than the last ten months in Arizona, which has left me a little drained and seeking alone time to recuperate, but that's alright.

This post seems a bit scattered to me, but I'll finish with one more thing.  Last night I was able to participate in a video conference with about 12 other people that are going to be in Townsville!  The leaders/staff of our school were also on, and the whole thing was rather exciting. :)  Other good news is that I will not be flying alone.  There are 3 others that I know of that will be joining me on the flight west.
OH!  Also, a nice tidbit we found out last night on our video chat was that we will be living on the Medical Ship for a few weeks!!!  Super exciting and pretty cool.  YWAM Townsville just purchased a new campus and so they're in a transition of old campus to new campus.  We get to be sequestered out of the way on the ship.  We'll be shuttled back and forth everyday.  I think the 35 of us will probably become family a little faster living in such close quarters!

That's all for now, my friends.  Be praying for me as I finalize my packing and make the trip south to Reno to get on that plane.


Oct 5, 2013

Just This

With the days creeping closer to this next big journey in my life, I thought I would share these two videos that I came across today.  

This, for all the women in my life.  

This, mostly for myself.  Because I feel inadequate every single day.  Only God can use me to make a difference.  Only He knows why I'm living in Phoenix with a job that is an out-of-this-world blessing.  He is the only One capable of making my life worth something, and I pray He does.  


Oct 1, 2013

October - This is Real

It's amazing how time just continues to fly by, whether we're ready for it or not!  In 23 days I get on a plane to Townsville.  It's finally sinking in.

I'm starting the process of packing my bag... mostly to make sure that everything I take has a purpose and is useful!  I opted for a smaller bag for this trip.  Less is more, right?

I'm thankful that I have 10 days to spend with friends and family in Oregon before I head out.  There are too many faces I haven't seen since I moved to Arizona!  I'm excited to spend a couple days with my bestie in Portland and then time with my grandparents before heading south to that place I call home.  :)

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support.  The countdown has begun!


Sep 19, 2013

I Bought a Vacuum

It all started with a text message.  A friend reaching past the walls I had so laboriously erected to protect my aching, wounded heart.  One message turned into 10 and 10 turned into 100.  We didn't talk about the hard stuff or the deep stuff.  Instead we talked about the every day things, what going through the motions looked like.  Slowly, somehow he pulled me out from the shell I was crowded into.  I looked around myself to see the sad state I was living in.

I looked around my apartment and was shocked at what I saw.  Dishes and laundry piled high, a fridge that no one would want to see, floor boards that needed dusting, and carpet that just needed a vacuum.  It took awhile... for me to find the courage to go out and do this thing... buy a vacuum.  You see, I had been avoiding the public at almost all costs.  My anxiety to go to the grocery store alone was sky high.  I haven't just been avoiding the public, I've been avoiding all media.  My twitter feeds go unread every day... I'm not ready to read someone else's story of what they think happened.  It's still too raw, too fresh... So I've been avoiding it all, which is nice in a way.  The hubbub of it all fading away has also been peaceful.

So last week I went to Target to look at vacuums.  I called my momma to ask her about brands and she gave me some very good advice. She told me, "Don't overthink it sweetie, just buy one.  Whatever you pick will be great."  She knows me well.  She knew what I needed to hear.  So I just picked one.  Then I paid for it.  I got it home and let it sit in my living room in the box for a day before opening it.  Once I opened the box, I couldn't stop cleaning and tidying and smiling.  I opened the curtains and just gazed outside at the beautiful sunlight.  I don't know why and I don't know how, but that vacuum broke away some part of me that was dead and numb.

Instead of ignoring everything that had happened in the last 8 months, I wrote it down and cried out to God and prayed about it.  It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would when my friend and I finally reached the topic I had been avoiding, simply because it had been too hard at the time to deal with.

So much of the last couple months has been numb, it's amazing to just feel emotion - especially emotion that isn't anger or frustration.  I still have a long way to go, but I know The Lord has a plan for me, that my part in this - in being in Phoenix and getting ready for Australia - wasn't an accident, it wasn't a mistake.  I said when I moved here that I knew God was pushing me out of my comfort zone because I wouldn't go otherwise.  I don't know the answer to "why?", and maybe I'll never see it.   But God has me on this journey for a reason.  I'm excited to see all that is to be in the next 7 months.

Speaking of Australia, I cannot help but feel that any doubt I have about whether I'm supposed to go is nullified after all I've been through.  While I may not be arriving as whole as I thought, I cannot help but look forward to this time as relaxing, healing, and awe inspiring.  I am thrilled at having the time to focus on The Lord.

Tonight my luggage arrived!  I'm going to do a couple test packs to see how well this living-out-of-a-suitcase thing is going to work.  I would post pictures, but I'm currently sitting in a tattoo parlor.   I'm waiting for a friend as she gets a tattoo and I'm silently thankful that mine didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

Thank you to everyone who has walked with me this summer through the most difficult part of my 22 years so far.  Every text, silent prayer, and letter has helped.  I love you all and pray The Lord blesses you abundantly.

Always remember that The Lord is right here, just waiting for you to take His hand.

Until next time,

Sep 4, 2013

The Little Things

Good news!  My outreach is fully funded!  All the money that is owed YWAM is paid for in full.  I can't believe how faithful the Lord has been.  I'm so thankful for His faithfulness.  A big shout-out to my momma who has been a driving force behind everything!  I still would like to raise the money to cover my plane ticket and visa if possible.  We'll see what the Lord has in store.

I've been back in Phoenix for almost two months now, and it seems like the time has flown by.  All my days are running together, even though we haven't been super busy.  It's been rain.... rain.... and more rain here in Arizona.

Despite the rain, dispatch is still running in the swing of things.  I've been switching off between day shift/ night shift/ and graveyard.  It's nice to have the down time on night shift to get things accomplished that just don't happen during the day!  My body's a little confused though some days. :)

The past 5 months have been go go go for me.  I've been working over full time hours, with days off few and far between.  My relationship with the Lord has been put on the backburner.  I'm excited that my hours are being cut back and that I'll hopefully be returning to the land of normal(ish) [this is fire we're talking about.. nothing normal about it!] work weeks.  A friend of mine has somehow convinced me to get up to watch the sunrise every day.  For no other fact than it's beautiful.  I was skeptical at first, and laughed him off (precious sleep time shall not be wasted!).  And then one morning I got up early just to say I had... And it brought back everything I've been missing.  I just sat there with my cup of coffee and watched the sunrise.  Nothing else.  It was peaceful beyond anything I had experienced in months.

That morning snapped me back with a reality check.  We all need those sometimes.  My filter left the building long ago, and my tendency to just spurt whatever comes to mind is not generally pretty.  I don't know where my grace for others has gone, but I've lost it somewhere between the ESR and Aircraft desk.  Please return it if you find it..... but seriously.  I'm working on it.  The old fashioned way of coming back to God and asking for grace for myself.  In addition to some post-it notes on my computer and desk reminding me to hush and think.

For those wondering about how I'm doing with everything that happened June 30th... well, I know that prayer matters and that it helps in ways you nor I will ever see.  I appreciate all the prayers, and so do the rest of us involved.

I'll end on a happier note.  I have a new job title: Acting Assistant Center Manager - Logistics.  To God be all the glory here.  It's an appointment for now.  Once I get back from Australia, if I still want it I'll apply for the job and go through the whole process.  Pray for me as I work through lies the enemy is trying to make real, most having to do with my age.

Until we meet again,

Jul 10, 2013

Another Year Older

One year ago today I was sitting in a hotel room in Phoenix, Arizona contemplating the fact that I was about to turn 21.  I was on a detail, and had just spent nearly two weeks learning more than I thought imaginable.  The next day I went to work and was surprised with a birthday party thrown by my new found family.  This is one of the things I love about the fire community - it doesn't matter where you go, you're with family.

This year I work and live in Phoenix, but I knew when I took the job that I wanted to be at home, in good 'ole Oregon, for my 22nd birthday.  I booked my flight over a month ago, and it was a very good thing I did.  

A year ago, sitting in that hotel room in Phoenix, I had absolutely no idea the path The Lord had for me.  I wouldn't have believed you if you told me I would spend 5 weeks in Wyoming on assignment, or that I would work until November.  I would have laughed if someone told me that I would drop out of school in January to move to Phoenix, no less to work for the State.  

As challenging, frustrating, and downright hard this 21st year of my life has been, it has also been filled with incredible friendships, new families, and blessings beyond belief.  I am the youngest employee of my agency, and have the honor of being the lead dispatcher in my center.  I have learned so much this year.  I am eternally grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way.  

The circumstance I was not prepared for in any way this year, was what happened on Yarnell Hill on June 30th.  I've been told since I started in this field that, "You haven't done this long enough, until someone you know has died."  As hard and crass as that is, it is unfortunately a truth we all learn.  I never thought it would be my fire... or my crew.  The past 10 days have been..... well, I don't have words.  They have been hard.  They have defined the dispatchers I work with - beyond my expectations.  The outpouring of strength and love from all over the country blew me away.  

One of the counselors I spoke with following the tragedy of the Granite Mountain Hotshots spoke of this phase being the 'restacking of boxes'.  I know that God has a plan in and through all of this, and I know without a doubt, that this is where I was supposed to be.  My boxes are being stacked a little different now.  Some things that seemed so important before... they've faded into the dim.  And the reverse is true.  A few of my boxes that I had neglected, or left too dusty, have suddenly become bigger and more important.  

Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me in the past week and a half.  Your prayers and kind words have meant more than I can express.

As my 22nd birthday dawns, I look forward to many things.  At the top of my list is Australia. :)  For those of you who are local, hopefully you know about the dinner on Sunday night.  If not, consider yourself invited.  It's going to be a BBQ by donation.  I'll be speaking about my trip, and it'll be time for me to spend time with everyone before I fly back to Phoenix.  Call my mom if you have any questions!

Until next time,

May 11, 2013

Busy Life

Life has flown by the past few months.  I can hardly believe that it is May already!  It just doesn't seem possible.  It seems like yesterday that I was sitting in my grandparent's living opening Christmas presents.

Work has kept me very busy.  In addition to working 70+ hour weeks though, The Lord has brought me a friend to Phoenix.  About two months ago I started praying for more Christian co-workers in my office.  I was praying for a friend, and for brothers and sisters in dispatch.  I love how God works.  He brought me someone I never would have guessed and never would have thought of.  He brought a girl from home.  Her story is a little like mine.  A job offer on Tuesday, and a flight from Reno to Phoenix on Sunday.  Charlie's story is even more moving because this moving to Phoenix was her first decision after accepting Christ.  I can hardly believe that she's been here for 2 weeks already!

Our Heavenly Father knows much better than we ourselves what we need.  He brought me a roommate, a co-worker, and a sister in Christ.  His timing never fails.  A few days after Charlie arrived, my parents were supposed to come stay for a week.  Long story short, they weren't able to make it.  God was clearly saying no to the timing.  I took it pretty hard.  Nothing like a gyro (Greek food) and new friend to cheer you up though.  Lord willing my parents will fly in on Wednesday!  I'm very excited to see them.  :)

Fire season is under way here in the Southwest.  This week started with job duties for me!  My duties now include being the Intel dispatcher, as well as the Floor Lead.  As the youngest person in my office I create a report every day for the govenor of Arizona and supervise four dispatchers.  It's crazy.  And scary, and is still a little hard to wrap my mind around.  I've gotten to know all of my Tucson guys, and it's a little sad to step back and watch someone else handle it and talk on the radio.  At the same time though, I know that The Lord is stretching me again, and pushing me outside my comfort zone.  Big time.  

Charlie and I are still loving CCV.  I'm excited to take my parents this weekend!

This journey to Australia continues to surprise me at every turn.  One of the fire guys that works with me was telling me about a hideout of his on the San Carlos this week (he's Native American).  He was telling me how to get to the cabin you have to cross the river seven times.  There are no bridges, and horseback is the only way in and out.  He was telling me how people rarely ever make it passed the second ford.  But that from the hideout you can see anyone coming from six miles away.

While some of this journey has been frustrating, scary, and downright hard, I know that at the end I will be glad that I crossed the river every time, and that I stuck to the path that has been set before me.

The morning comes earlier than my eyes want it to.


Apr 10, 2013

The Beginning

It's been tough trying to find the motivation to blog with just my cell phone and a small tablet, but here I find myself tonight. I'm finding my groove here in Arizona and while it's not anything like I've ever experienced, it's not bad. I have to say, when I created this blog back in November after I applied to YWAM, I had no idea the journey The Lord had for me to Australia!

Fire season is slowly starting to make it' appearance here in the Southwest, bringing more hours at work for me. This is a blessing, as I'm not in Oregon to do fundraising, but also brings challenges. I'll be working 0630-1700 six days a week starting on Sunday. Right now we're alternating weekend days. I work Sunday this week, but next weekend I'll work Saturday.

I am so thankful that I have found a church to call home before everything takes off. It's great to have a new family who cares about me and checks up on me! I'm really loving the Neighborhood Group I'm in, and the landing point it is in the middle of the week for me.

The Lord has really blessed me with a few surprises in the past few weeks. You see, for the past few months I've really been missing my piano. I'm not sure if it's because I'm living on my own, or because I finally have time to play uninterrupted, but it had been on my heart. A few times I went to pick up the phone to call my mom and ask her if it was possible to get it down here, but I never made the call. Unbeknownst to me, my momma had also had one certain piano on her heart - and that it needed to come to Phoenix.

God provide a way to deliver my keyboard through my boss, who spent a week in Reno before Easter for some training. When he got back after Easter, and came to work with it, I was beyond words. It's amazing how the Creator knows exactly what we need and when we need it. It has made the nights less lonely, and my soul full again with music. I hadn't realized how much I truly missed music!

The second blessing came in a box from my Gammy and Papa. It shouldn't surprise me, how well they know me, but it does every time. They are such a huge part of my life, and I pray they know it, because I don't say it enough. Thank you. I love you guys!

The third blessing was a letter from my Compassion child, Kenneth. He lives in Nicaragua. And he sent me a thank you letter for his birthday gift (which he picked out this year!). His soul-bared 8 year old words move me to tears every time I find a letter in the mail from him. He's impacted my life so much. The honest, sweet questions, the drawings I receive with every letter. It is all so precious to me. I am so thankful that he is in my life.

Five a.m comes strangely early these days,
So until next time,


Mar 12, 2013

New Church

Life the past month has been crazy weather, unexpected family visits, adjusting some more to life on my own, and a new church family.

This whole journey so far has been about The Lord providing and requiring me to trust in Him alone. I've had my doubts and frustrations along the way of course, but The Lord provides!

I shared with you all how I tried out a couple Calvary Chapels, and I just wasn't finding a good fit. I decided to take a week off from the hunt and just veg. And then one Saturday night a Facebook ad popped up with a suggestion about a news article connected to a church in the valley. I clicked on it, curious to see what this church was all about.

It was nothing I thought I wanted in a church. It was big, it was 15-20 minutes away, it was big. It was a church with multiple campuses. It didn't have Baptist or Calvary in the name. It was big.

I went anyway. I attended a church that sees 18,000 people a week across 3 campuses, with 5 services alone every weekend at the main campus that I'm attending. Okay. Big. But I showed up, and everyone was smiling. People looked at you, not through you. They asked your name and how long you'd been attending. The worship was good, the message was good. The people at the information desk learned my name, and followed up with me two days later.

The next week I went to their introduction class called Starting Point. It lays out everything about the church: what they believe, why they believe, their goals in ministry and outreach. I got signed up or a Neighbourhood Group that meets half a mile from my house every Tuesday. I've been twice now.

The thing about this big church is that they are concerned about relationships and people being ministered to. That's what I was looking for in a church, but I had no idea I could find it in a large church! And five services over the weekend really is ideal for my job. I'm not guaranteed Sundays off during fire season. But Saturday night at 6:00 pm is very practical! (And noon service on Sunday = I can still get some much needed sleep!)

I'm so excited, and grateful that The Lord provided. Why do I doubt??

In more exciting news, I talked to my momma today and she told me that the kids at home who are going to Africa this summer have raised all their money, and want to give their extra to me for Australia! They have a cans trailer set up in town, and this weekend my momma went with them to sort and turn them in. They turned in almost $1000 worth of cans. I'm floored and so thankful. The Lord will provide, and I'm just going to keep trusting Him.

In Christ Alone,

Feb 1, 2013

The ups, The downs, The in-betweens.

This week has been good.  I had forgotten what working 40 hours a week was like though!  Sunday, I was able to attend a Calvary Chapel.  It wasn't the closest to choose from, but it had a smaller size, and I thought that would help.  They had a nice service, and the people seemed nice enough....{chuckle} it was easy to tell I wasn't in the country anymore.

During their greeting time, the pastor had said to stand up and say hello to the people around you.  Well, that's what people did.  They say hello, and move on.  No how are you, or what's your name.  Just hello.  As the body of Christ is that all we really need?  No.  We need relationship with other believers.  So this Sunday I'll be attending a different church.  I did go to their Wednesday night service as well, and both the sermon on Sunday and Wednesday were very good, but it just wasn't a place to call home.

On Monday, I had one of those days you just want to kind of forget.  I'm incredibly clumsy.  And I managed to spill water a lot of water on my macbook air. :/  I was doing the dishes, like I've done a million times...apparently this time I was extremely clumsy.  Oh well.  There were tears, and a desperate phone call to my momma, and that is that.  My sweet dad sent me his pride and joy tablet so I don't have to use my iPhone for everything.  He's a keeper!  Now I'm waiting for a couple of paychecks to replace my macBook Air with an iPad hopefully.  I think an iPad will be easier to take to Australia.

Now with some good news!  I'm having my very first house guest next week!  I'm excited for some crazy cousin time :)

Thank you everyone from home who has reached out to me and passed along encouragement and hellos!  It has meant so much, and you know who you are!

Phew, it's going to take some getting used to this Android tablet!  Praying for sunshine where you are, and that you have a great weekend!

In Christ Alone,

Jan 26, 2013

I'm Growing Up.

My first week in a new job and a new apartment has been good.  Tomorrow morning, I'm starting the church hunt and trying out a Calvary in the area!  It's still a little crazy that I'm here in Phoenix.  It's so right though.  Guess what else it means?  I'm really growing up.  When I went to college, I didn't really feel grown up.  It was just another adventure that took me from home for nine months for three years in a row.

My freshman year in college I had a dorm room all to myself, which was nice.  It was lonely sometimes though.  The best part was that it was home base.  When I got totally overwhelmed from a football game with thousands of people it was nice to be able to go back to my dorm and just sit in the silence.

Then I moved with my best friend to a house owned by someone from my hometown.  That was a year of firsts and trials living with unbelievers.  But it was a good year too.  We lived in a quiet culdesac, and our landlord had a dog.  Cooking for myself everyday was a challenge. {Refer to my sometimes indecisive life in the last post}  That year really grew me.

Last year my best friend and I got an apartment.  We had a third roommate, but she fell through.  So we waited on the Lord for five months to bring us a roommate.  And it was the sweetest house of girls I could have imagined.  We had way too much furniture and just about every Disney movie.  My bestie and I got to host a ladies small group every week for two terms.  It was a great place.  We were in a large apartment complex, but it didn't feel like it.  Our back patio looked out onto a wildlife area that won't ever be developed.  It was peaceful.

And in between all of those places I moved home for the summer-time to work for the Forest Service.  When both of my siblings and I were home at the same time, it was like high school all over again, except with rules again... it was a little weird that first summer.  But I got over it.  I loved being at home.  Even though I didn't really have my own space, and at any moment a boy might come in and turn on the TV while you're in the middle of a book, it was okay.  It wasn't okay at the time, but it's okay now.

So now I live in an apartment complex, by myself.  Just Franny and I on this great adventure (Speaking of which, she needs some prayer... not sure what's wrong but dad thinks it will be okay).  This week has been getting used to motorcycles starting outside my bedroom at all times of the day and night, rain, work, and thanking the Lord for this amazing opportunity.  I'm growing up.  I'm an adult.  I'm living on my own over 1,000 miles from home.  It's scary and exciting all at the same time.

It's amazing, the timing of everything.  I'm also so excited for Australia!  And all of the growth and change it will bring to my life.  Good things.

Here's a shout-out to my cousin who most likely will never see this, but I'm saying it none the less. :)
Happy Birthday, Batman.
{On our cruise of the Caribbean, March of 2011.  L-R: Kourtney, Me, Batman, Emily.               Back row L-R: Michael, Luther}  

Have a great weekend!
In Christ Alone,
Katie <3

Jan 20, 2013

The World was Made in Seven Days,

so why was I surprised when the Lord chose to move in my life in that amount of time?

When I posted last (two weeks ago tomorrow), I had no reason to think I would be sitting in Maricopa, AZ, hanging out at my new boss's house (In 70* weather no less... sorry, LKV peeps.. don't be too jealous) getting ready to start a new job in two days.

Two weeks ago, I was getting ready to start a new term of school, and looking forward to a quiet few months at home.  I was planning on fundraising, crafting, and just hanging out with my parents.

Haha.  The problem with that picture was it was what "I" was planning.  To really start this story, we have to go back to last June though.  I had been working for about two months, and my boss walked out one day and asked why I wasn't statused National. {I'm sorry in advance for any strange fire lingo here, I'll try to explain as I go along for those who have no idea what I'm talking about}  I didn't have a response, just that I hadn't really thought about it.  Needless to say, I was showing National by the end of the day.  At the end of a week I hadn't gotten any assignments, and I had one more day until my 'cutoff' day. (Cutoff day = the last day you want to be statused in order to be back for something.  Assignments are two weeks long with a travel day on either side.  In this case, I had a birthday camping trip planned.)

The call came in at about 4:00 on my cutoff day of an assignment to Arizona.

                                                                       (photo credit)
I decided to take it.  This was my first 'real' assignment.  I had been to our sister dispatch center a few times for a day or two here and there, and once to our neighbor to the South in CA.  So to say that getting on a plane to Phoenix, AZ was intimidating for this small town girl is an understatement.  I've always had the travel bug, and I've done lots of crazy traveling in my day, so really this was nothing.  Meeting new people and a whole new environment was the scariest part.

I got to Phoenix, and I loved it.  It was completely different than at home, and after a few days of getting used to the differences in SOP and the fact that the phone (not the radio) was my new BFF, I got into a groove.  They really wanted me to extend for another two weeks, but I didn't.  {And I don't regret it, it allowed me to go to Wyoming for a total of 5 weeks last summer}  I learned so much while I was there, made some great contacts, and had a blast.

                                                   (photo credit)

In the fire world, it really is about who you know.  The more people you're networked with and that know what you can do, the better chance you have of getting out an assignment... or getting offered a job.

The bottom line of this story is about The One you know.  I give every. single. ounce. of credit to the Lord.  He had a plan all along.  I love how the Lord is sneaky sometimes, ya know?  For those that don't know, I can be a bit of a slow decision maker.  Just ask Kayla.  Making decisions on what to have for dinner for two years has probably scarred her for life or something.  I'm not as slow as some people, but I have to do all my research and look everything over, and the whole shebang.

So, back to the story.  On Thursday, January 10th I got a phone call from the Center Manager in Arizona, offering me a job.  When I was talking to him on the phone, everything was just falling into place. (And remember, I wasn't looking for a job, I wasn't applying for jobs, I was just doing my thing... not looking for a job.)  We talked about everything, and I was blown away about all the details. The pay, the hours, everything.  And then I asked about that space of time I'm setting aside for the Lord from October to March, and how that would all fit in.  He said, "No problem, we'll see you when you get back".
                                                 (photo credit)
I. Almost. Started. Crying.

We hung up, I said I would think about it, and we'd talk tomorrow.  I was sitting in my mom's office on the floor.  I looked at her, and I was speechless.  We had literally just been printing sponsorship letters to send to friends and family.  I felt like I had just been transported to a different universe.  Suddenly, everything spilt out of my mouth, and then my dad was on the phone and he said he's be home in half an hour.  Mom and I went to the store.  I literally didn't know what to say.  I just kept looking at her, and we would start laughing.  It was so unreal.

We went home, and I made a pros and cons list for Oregon, Wyoming (Where I also had a job offer for  the 2013 fire season), and Arizona.  The Lord had literally worked every detail out.  The cons list had a few things, and they mostly because I needed something to put there.  Everything pointed to Phoenix.  We talked about it, how we would make it work, where I would live.  We decided my parents would drive down with me and then fly back the 22nd.  That we would leave Sunday the 13th, and all of the arrangements were made.

I wanted to get a friend's opinion, so we drove to their house and explained it all, asked them what they thought.  She told me that if she was still 21, she would absolutely take it and run.  She told me to have fun.  I left with a suitcase. :)

I went home and went to bed.

I didn't sleep though.  I spent hours praying, writing, reading the Word.  Asking for wisdom, clarity, and peace.  I'd already sent an S.O.S prayer text to my three besties, asking them to pray.  When I finally shut off the light, the wheels just wouldn't stop turning.  I was excited, terrified, exhausted, and searching.  I finally fell asleep somewhere around 1 or 2 a.m.

Friday 1/11/13
When I got up, it was still all surreal.  We had lots to do(including learning a song to play and sing in church on Sunday!).  I talked to my boss again, it was all decided (With even more of the Lord's blessings!), I would be in Phoenix on Tuesday the 15th.

Saturday 1/12/13
I cleaned out Franny (My 1997 Ford Explorer), packed my clothes, and made 26 pizzas to put in the freezer for the youth group.
                                        {This is what Franny looked like Thursday morning}

Sunday 1/13/13
I sang with the worship team one last time, played and sang offertory, and then said goodbye to my church family.  I appreciated everyone's well wishes so much!  After church mom and I met with the mission's committee to talk about YWAM and Australia, and my moving to Arizona.  It went great.  We went home, finished packing, loaded the car and drove to Reno.  My dad had a free night at the Peppermill, so we stayed there.

At this point, my body was in Reno but my mind was still sitting on the floor of my mom's office on Thursday.  Throughout this whole process the Lord has realllllllllllllllly been stretching me, and asking me to trust Him with all of the details.  Back to the Lord being sneaky:  This whole process has been set in my lap, tied up in a bow.  All I've had to do is trust that the package is a present and open it.  I'm so thankful to the Lord most high.

Monday 1/14/13
The folks and I were on the road by 6:00 am, and we drove in shifts all the way to Lake Havasu City, Arizona, where some friends recently moved.  It was a great night just chatting, and hanging out by the pool (It was warm enough to go outside!!!!!).  This sounds like an easy day, but look at a map... Reno to Lake Havasu is a littttttttle drive ;).
                                           It was warm enough to have the AC on!!!!!

Tuesday 1/15/13
We were now in Arizona time, which is an hour ahead of Oregon time.  We just took the morning easy, and drove the four hours into Phoenix.  My boss opened his home to us while we were here, so we made it to his house.

Wednesday 1/16/13
I got my Arizona driver's license!  Mom and I visited a mall that has valet parking... crazy.  Just hung out, had a BBQ that night.

Thursday 1/17/13
We drove back into Northern Phoenix and stopped by the office to get a print screen of my quals printed out. {Who forgets their red card????  Apparently me..}  Ate some yummy Greek food, and the apartment hunt began.

Note: In those first 24 hours after the phone call, we had decided that I would just stay in a hotel for a month or so until I got a few paychecks and could pay first and last months rent, a deposit, and all that jazz.  BUT, my dad wanted to see where I would be living (in a few months), and we wanted to get a better lay of the land.

We found two places, had decided on one which was nicer, and then headed back to the office to see my boss and print some paperwork off.  While we were there my dad was on his phone, looking at apartment ratings and found a place he wanted us to check out.  Mom and I went to appease him.  Of course, we ended up loving it.

The cool thing about Phoenix is that they have a preferred employers list.  And if you work for one of the employer's on the list you get tons of concessions.  Awesome.  This complex also had a "Look and Lease" special.  You get a tour, and if you like it you go back to the office and fill out an application.  If you decide to keep it you get like $500 off your signing.  (Blessings in a bundle, anyone?  Unspeakable joy.)  We looked, I loved it.  I filled out the application, and had to wait until the next morning for the background check.

Friday 1/18/13
Called to set up my electricity and internet.  More blessings?  Down here, you don't have to pay anything up front, it's all billed with the first month's utilities.  And the extra fees were all waived for one reason or another.

The apartment complex called.  I had an apartment!  Second floor, two bedroom, two bath with a patio!  Oh my goodness.  If I wasn't already feeling blessed, it was a good thing I was sitting down during all of those phone calls.

When we were at the apartment on Thursday, the leasing agent (Who was amazing!) gave us the number for her mattress lady.  We called, got her prices, and went to pick one out.  $230 for a queen sized mattress, box spring, and hollywood frame.  Did I mention it was also delivered???   Unbelievable.

Note:  When I moved home in April 2012 to start working again, I thought I would be back in college come September.  So I left everything in storage except for my clothes and a few craft supplies.  Seeing as I didn't have time to go get my stuff before coming down here, and I thought I was going to be living out of a hotel, I only brought clothes and my sewing machine and crochet hooks!  So I will be furnishing an entire apartment.  It's all so crazy!  

I signed all the paperwork for my apartment and got the keys.  Oh, and we also went to IKEA.  THAT was so cool.  I got some dishes, a duvet cover, and some hand towels.  I'll be going back :)

Saturday 1/19/13
So every day, we've been driving back and forth between Maricopa and North Phoenix, which is an hour drive in good traffic.  A two hour drive in bad traffic.  We went to see my grandpa a few hours South of Maricopa, and then drove all the way North again.

We scouted the area a little more, hit up Walmart for a dining room table and chairs, and also stopped at Goodwill and Ross for a few more items to fill my empty apartment.  Oh, and Lowes.  Every girl needs a cordless drill and a tool set!

Today (Sunday 1/20/13)
The plan had been to attend church near my apartment and start the Church Family search, but as I'm sure you're exhausted from just reading this, imagine how exhausted our bodies are!  The adrenaline is finally wearing off, and it was nice to sleeeeeep and not worry about an alarm clock!

In the last 10 days we've put 1,665.45 miles on my car, I've moved into an apartment, have a job, and I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting.

Thank you for sticking with me through this post!

In Christ Alone,

Jan 7, 2013

First Day of Term.

The real fun begins this week.  I'm getting over a cold and starting online classes, as well as keeping up on all of my Australia stuff!

Ready for some good news?

  • I submitted my Blue Card Application!  My daddy is the best and took the paper to be signed. :)  Lucky for me, I've known the Chief of Police for a very long time.  He and my dad have worked together for over 20 years. 
  • Next item on the list is to print my sponsorship letters.  The official on these sorts of things has reviewed it and given her stamp of approval, so we're a go. 

Due to my cold this weekend, I didn't get anything else put up in the shop, so that's still a work in progress!  But today is Monday, so I still have two days to get as much done as I can. :)

And did anyone notice the ticker, count-down, thingy-ma-bopper over on the sidebar? That's mostly motivation for me to be on time with things!  The cool thing is though that once it hits zero, it will start counting up so then we'll all know how long I've been in Australia.  Handy-dandy.

 I'm off to sleep so my body can keep fighting this cold.

This is what the Lord says:
"Stand at the crossroads and look;
Ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is,
and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."
~Jeremiah 6:16 (NIV)

Jan 2, 2013

Week's End.

I know it's the middle of the week... but I've decided that Wednesday is my goal day.  It gives me something to look forward to!
Here is a re-cap of the things I did (and did not) accomplish this week.  Find the original post with my goals here.

1.  Fill out my application for a Blue Card.  The application has been done since Saturday!  The only thing I'm waiting for is the local Chief of Police to notarize it (a.k.a prove that I am who I say I am).  With New Years being yesterday, and the fact the New Years Eve is pretty much a holiday, it's been hard to track him down.  It will hopefully be done tomorrow!

2.  Pay my downpayment! Check :) This one is done.

3.  List all of the craftiness Sarah and I have been up to in my Etsy shop, then open it!  My Etsy shop if officially open!  I'm still adding to it every day, but open it is.  All of the proceeds of the shop go towards my DTS.  I'm selling rice bags, hats, scarves, and cowls!  I will also be listing jewelry int he future made by the fabulous Sarah.  Everything in the store is hand-made by the two of us.  To purchase or just look around, please visit:

4.  Finish and start sending out sponsorship letters.  I'm down to the fine tuning!  And happy with how it's turning out.  The best part?  Yellow paper :)

Thank goodness for grace, and the fact that deadlines can shift a little here and there!  

This coming week I will be working to complete #'s 1,3, and 4.  I also start online classes this coming week, so I'm going to have to figure out the balance of everything!   

Have a wonderful evening!

In Christ Alone,