This year I work and live in Phoenix, but I knew when I took the job that I wanted to be at home, in good 'ole Oregon, for my 22nd birthday. I booked my flight over a month ago, and it was a very good thing I did.
A year ago, sitting in that hotel room in Phoenix, I had absolutely no idea the path The Lord had for me. I wouldn't have believed you if you told me I would spend 5 weeks in Wyoming on assignment, or that I would work until November. I would have laughed if someone told me that I would drop out of school in January to move to Phoenix, no less to work for the State.
As challenging, frustrating, and downright hard this 21st year of my life has been, it has also been filled with incredible friendships, new families, and blessings beyond belief. I am the youngest employee of my agency, and have the honor of being the lead dispatcher in my center. I have learned so much this year. I am eternally grateful to everyone who has helped me along the way.
The circumstance I was not prepared for in any way this year, was what happened on Yarnell Hill on June 30th. I've been told since I started in this field that, "You haven't done this long enough, until someone you know has died." As hard and crass as that is, it is unfortunately a truth we all learn. I never thought it would be my fire... or my crew. The past 10 days have been..... well, I don't have words. They have been hard. They have defined the dispatchers I work with - beyond my expectations. The outpouring of strength and love from all over the country blew me away.
One of the counselors I spoke with following the tragedy of the Granite Mountain Hotshots spoke of this phase being the 'restacking of boxes'. I know that God has a plan in and through all of this, and I know without a doubt, that this is where I was supposed to be. My boxes are being stacked a little different now. Some things that seemed so important before... they've faded into the dim. And the reverse is true. A few of my boxes that I had neglected, or left too dusty, have suddenly become bigger and more important.
Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me in the past week and a half. Your prayers and kind words have meant more than I can express.
As my 22nd birthday dawns, I look forward to many things. At the top of my list is Australia. :) For those of you who are local, hopefully you know about the dinner on Sunday night. If not, consider yourself invited. It's going to be a BBQ by donation. I'll be speaking about my trip, and it'll be time for me to spend time with everyone before I fly back to Phoenix. Call my mom if you have any questions!
Until next time,