We had the most amazing speaker for the first week. He's a Kiwi (someone from New Zealand). I've never met a teacher like him. His topic for the week was "The Lordship of Christ". Going into the week I had no idea what to expect. Mark Parker is the most exuberant 58 year old man I know. Not only that, but he LOVES Jesus and he loves teaching young people. A worship leader by trade, his lectures were confronting, comical, and a little on the long side. But that's okay. Mark taught us about the fear of The Lord and what being a disciple really means.
What he spoke, I had never heard before. He taught what it means and looks like to lay down your life every day. And in Mark Parker's words, "Shut up and die to yourself and get on the altar." He is the first person I have ever heard say that there is no excuse for human nature, stop sinning. I hear all the time, "People aren't perfect, so of course you're going to mess up." Never before has someone looked at me and said point blank, "Stop sinning." Don't get confused here. I am not saying that all of the sudden I've found the key to Atlantis and the way to be perfect. I am saying that speaking life over people and giving them a chance and space to live holy lives is what I have found freeing beyond imagine.
The second week of camping was just as beautiful, but more simple. Our speaker was an amazing South African woman named Ania. I wish she could have stayed for the rest of our DTS with us. Her testimony was without a doubt the best I've ever heard. She is a woman who will change the world.
Ania spoke on "Christian Disciplines" a.k.a how to live like a Christian. She didn't speak about lollipops and gumdrops, but rather what walking in the true freedom of Christ looks like. She talked about making decisions that you know are right and sticking to your guns, even when the world around you tells you you're wrong. She spoke about hearing God's voice and the 10 Commandments like I've never heard before.
She's amazing to talk to personally. She was the first speaker I really connected with and got to sit down and chat with. I talked about my dreams and what I feel The Lord calling me to do. It was an amazing week.
Then we returned to Townsville a week before Christmas. It was a pretty quiet Christmas, and a little odd with all of the heat. I'll share more later as I think this has been long enough.
My current location is the Gold Coast. It is beauty beyond compare. We're on week two of our outreach. We fly back to Townsville on Saturday.
Until next time, folks.
-Katie :)
Woohoo! Pictures please! <3